Become a Member
Queensland Associated Dance Studios Inc. The QADS (Queensland Associated Dance Studios Inc) began back in 1959 with Jean Connolly being the first president. After a number of years, Dick Orchard became president with Noela Orchard as secretary. These two dedicated people guided the Society for a period in excess of 20 years. A number of societies previously based in Queensland (eg NVDTA, QDS, QATD) have, through amalgamation, become part of QADS history.
The aims of the Society are to encourage and promote all styles of ballroom dancing in all its forms, ie social, medal and competitive and to assist in whatever way possible in the development of the ballroom dancing profession.
To this end QADS has:
1.Run approximately 24 workshops/seminars since 1991 dealing with business, social and competitive aspects at minimal cost to people attending – also open to non-QADS people.
2. Have met the cost, on five occasions, of airfares/lecture fees of interstate speakers.
3. Conducted an adjudicator training scheme prior to the program introduced by DSA.
4. Arranged for University of Queensland to run Level 1 Coaching Principles Course for a group of approximately 34 professionals.
5. Made grants to Queensland couples representing Australia overseas.
6. Provided members with list of registered Adjudicators (discontinued as now on Internet).
7. Kept members informed of pertinent matters relating to the industry eg the need to register for working with children.
8. Kept profession informed of movies/videos likely to be of interest.
9. Run Testimonial Dinner for, and presented awards to, deserving Queensland professionals. 10. Arranged for and met part cost of Yellow Pages District Listing for studios (recommencing 2007 issue).
11. Prepared ‘Go Dancing Today’ Brochure listing Brisbane and Regional Queensland studios. (This information now incorporated in QADS Dance Venues Booklet).
12. Referred projects/work to studios/professionals on a number of occasions.
13. Run a Championship/Competition each year.
14. Provided advice, where possible, in answer to various questions raised by our members.
15. Prepared the QADS Dance Venues Booklet (two issues per year) providing information on where social dances are held (listed under days of the week), where various dance classes and coaches are available and where to purchase dance related merchandise such as shoes and CDs.
16. Have provided $1000 in sponsorship in each of the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 towards the promotion of dance competitions in various regional areas of Queensland including Brisbane.
The Society conducts examinations for professional diplomas and DSA Coaching Accreditation technical aspects. QADS also provides a comprehensive medal examination system for those members who wish to avail themselves of this facility.
Being a State-based society, QADS is able to focus on the needs of dancing and the profession in Queensland, whilst remaining aware and being involved with dancing on the national scene.